Tuesday, September 21, 2004

This is for starters

In the fog of words of this 2004 campaign we tend to forget what people say or what we ourselves said about them and the issues. We may believe that we have total recall, or even that we know what we are talking about. We all agree that Pres. George W. Bush should be a one-term President, like his father, but when asked why we run with one or two reasons off the top of our heads, and are hemming and hawing after that.
In the next few posts I will tell you, one after the other, why I believe that the second Bush Jr. presidency would be a bad idea.
On ABC's "This Week", George Will, whom I credit with a clear-eyed and conservative worldview, said of the Administration's reconstruction policy in Iraq: "This is the gang that cannot shoot straight."
I agree. This Administration has wasted:
1- The Post 9-11 goodwill of the world.
2- The budget surplus
3- During 17 months of the vaunted Iraq reconstruction, of the $18.4 BILLION claimed to have been allocated (out of our pockets, and whether we wanted it or not), only ONE BILLION has been spent. The delays are attributed to incompetence, administrative snafus, and, yes, "leakage."
4- During 17 months we have heard that Iraqui security forces are being trained in record numbers. The first batch ran away in Fallujah and Najjaf, and, according to Mr. Rumsfeld, not a single leader of the new forces has yet completed his/her training.
Nice record!!! Will Kerry do better? You bet!. Anyway the bar is not very high.

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