Saturday, January 01, 2005

The New York Review of Books: How Bush Really Won

A big thanks to all of you that have been coming to read the posted articles and whatever I have to say about them. Let us continue in the New Year of 2005 to walk on the progressive road, comforting each other in a cold world of Bushism. If you feel that the world that you would like to see is walking away from you, and that no battle seems to be going our way (are we in step with anyone?), believe that there are as many people who think like you do, as people who hate your guts. You are not alone, you wimpy, latte-sipping, Volvo driving, morally derelict Democrat. If we continue to build community, to work on a more just society, to oppose big business and corporate group-thinking, many others will travel with us. Do not forget that those that the Gods want to ruin, first they drive crazy. The second Bush Administration, with a bit of luck, will do unthinkable evil and expose themselves for what they are. It has already begun.
The following article, a bit long, is worth reading. It is a clear-eyed dissection of the trends in the election of past November.
Happy New year!!! Sursum corda! Up with our hearts!
The New York Review of Books: How Bush Really Won

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