Thursday, November 11, 2004

The New Republic Online: Polls Apart

Today's posts (this one and the two preceding it) will want to look at the American divide, out from our progressive village into the cold, red world outside. Are we progressives really an insular minority, estranged from the American body politic? Should we all emigrate, looking for intellectual and emotional communities that really appreciate us.? Does the 51% percent of the USA that elected Bush really hate us? Have the ideals of the Enlightenment (you know the "Brotherhood, Freedom, Equality" equation) really had their day.?

Let us reflect on this readingThe New Republic Online: Polls Apart. And while we reflect, let us get ready, get active in the future campaigns, run for office, write letters, discuss with and approach others. Let us champion our issues to those that did not like them, showing them that we are as American as they are, and that our concerns touch their lives too. This is the time to take pride in the Liberal label, and help others to overcome their conditioned reflex against the L word.

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