Thursday, November 11, 2004

Remaking the Middle East- again

The death of Rais Yasser Arafat will provide the newly re-elected and, oh-so-confident George W. Bush the opportunity to begin working on his legacy. His previous speeches on the Palestinian-Israel conflict were yesterday described by Sari Nusseibeh as well-crafted, thorough and, in broad lines, on the mark.

We can expect the approach to this issue of foreign policy now to be energetic; Colin Powell, if he considered resigning at all, must be having second thoughts. The temptation to be involved in the resolution of this epochal and overarching Middle East political issue is, no doubt, very powerful. For Bush the question is who would be the better emissary, the dented moderate appeal of Colin Powell, or the visionary energy of Paul Wolfowitz, eager no doubt to burnish his tarnished armour in the field where he has made his reputation?

What do you think?

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